22 Nov2017January 31, 2018
The importance of Computational Thinking

The importance of Computational Thinking

In today's technology-driven era, the use of information in creating solutions to problems is very important in as much as thinking outside the box is very essential. Problem solving, analysing the validity of solutions and spotting patterns in data - these are all essential skills in ‘computational thinking’.

17 Nov2017March 23, 2018
How can computational thinking help children to collaborate

How can computational thinking help children to collaborate

Technology has certainly made life easier and more convenient today than ever.  With just a snap of the finger, things can be done.  Despite these changes and convenience that technology brought is a bigger impact on how children perceive things and on how they think on a higher level. Computational thinking means breaking big problems into smaller units that can be solved with a computer’s capacity. Collaborative problem solving is known as a foundation of computational thinking.

04 Nov2017January 31, 2018
Implementing an Hour of Code at home

Implementing an Hour of Code at home

Modern technology offers endless opportunity than any other field today. Almost everyone is given the chance to manipulate and learn the concepts because of the vast source of information available on the internet.
Maybe you have read countless times about hour of code and you've been probably wondering what does it mean. What does hour of code mean?

11 Sep2017January 31, 2018
Breaking down problems

Breaking down problems

Every single day brings us a new set of problems which we need to find the best way to solve. The process must fit the problem or you will end up not solving it at all. Problems are like puzzles that are broken down. Each smaller problem is a piece of puzzle that will either give a clearer solution or answer to the big problem. How should we be breaking down problems?

17 Aug2017February 5, 2018
What are bugs and what is debugging?

What are bugs and what is debugging?

A bug is a coding error, a flaw or a fault in a computer system or program that produces incorrect or unexpected behaviour or a different outcome.  Debugging is the process of finding and fixing bugs.  Most bugs are caused by mistake or error committed in the program's design, code or component.

10 Jul2017January 31, 2018
Internet Safety

Internet Safety

The internet stores a vast amount of information that everyone can access.  It is even called as the super information highway because of that.  It is an interesting place to learn and a bridge that eliminates the gap between families and friends from the opposite sides of the world. Despite of all these benefits that the internet offers is a danger that comes along with it.

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